Are You Hurting Your Animals' Feelings?

By James French

As a pet owner you can be helped in a number of ways with animal communication. Understanding your animal from their perspective allows you to give them the best life possible. It can be very easy to place our own thoughts and understanding on animals without really understanding them. This is why animal communication is a valuable pet owner tool.

It is very easy for us humans to place negative feelings on to our animals. I am sure that you will agree with me that it is a horrible feeling when some one makes false judgements about us. So why is it any different when we do the same to our animals!

For example the other day I saw how a dog had been labelled as a bully with other dogs. This strong judgement had been made because the owner had observed that when her dog was around younger or gentle dogs, she would look very friendly but when she got close would snap at them and show aggressive signs.

Yet her dogs behaviour with nervous or protective dogs was very different. She would not go anywhere near them.

With animal communication we soon discovered that she was not a bull at all. Far from it her problem was that she was afraid of intimacy! She was also very good at reading other dogs character and this is why she did not want anything to do with the nervous or protective dogs. She was actually desperate to make friends with other dogs and this was why she was choosing the younger and gentle dogs.

This feeling of wanting to be close, changed as soon as her nose got to close to another dogs. Replaced with this feeling of intense shyness and protection.

With this new insight and information it allowed us to create a whole new approach in helping her dog. We focused on keeping her relaxed and very slowly closed the gap between her and other dogs, giving her the time to overcome her shyness. Because she was so desperate to be close to other dogs this made the process easy as everyone was after a common goal.

When we communicate clearly with our animals it gives a greater understanding. This is turn gives us the power to really help them. If you find your self repeatedly asking the question why do they do this or that? Then there is a high possibility that you are not understanding where they are really coming from.

Animal communication creates a deeper relationship this is the same for humans too! When we find some one that understands us more we naturally trust them more and become closer to them. This is the same with your animals and the more they trust you the greater the relationship for everyone! Animal communication is a very natural form of communication that anyone can learn. - 31866

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Housetraining Your Dog Using A Cage

By Karen Taylor

Many of the dog owners today struggle with the problem of house training. Although many methods have worked to solve this problem, there are some dog owners that resort to drastic ways out of frustration and desire to have their dog house trained quickly.

In order to get the behavior the dog owner wants, he/she has to find a training method that is right for the dog. It could be training through constant supervision or training with the use of housebreaking aids such as paper or cage. Although, using both also produces results.

Cage training can be very efficient, but it also comes with certain issues. Some people believe that using a cage in housebreaking or any other training in general is being inhumane and therefore should not be used on dogs. Contrary to this thought patter, cage training has been shown to be one of the most efficient and effected methods for training both dogs and puppies.

Why is this? Well first of all, because your dog is a den dwelling creature by nature. They would love to retreat into their dens to seek warmth during cold weather or feel cool during sunny days. They consider their den as their home in which they are safe from harm. With this in mind, help your dogs cage look like and feel like his home, not a cage.

Second, dogs are naturally clean animals and will try not to soil their cages as much as possible. Placing your dog inside the cage will help your dog control his bladder or bowel until he is taken out to potty at the appropriate spot. Since puppies are still young, they should be taken out regularly and more often than an older dog since they only have a limited control over their bladder and bowel movements. Taking these steps will help your puppy establish a schedule for bathroom trips.

Cages come in various styles and materials. You can buy one from your local pet supply store, hardware or pet section in some department stores. When you purchase a cage for your pet, consider their needs and consider why you are buying the cage. If you travel, consider purchasing a cage made of plastic for your dog, as wire cages will not protect them from extremes of temperature. Another thing that you want to take into consideration is the size of the cage. Buying a new create when he has outgrown the old one costs a lot of money. So that is why it would wise to purchase a large crate, that way you can block the excess section so that your dog doesn't soil it, that way you can place your dog in the other half during the night for him to stay in.

It is important to be consistent when using a dog cage for housetraining. Your housebreaking issues will soon pass if you do this properly. - 31866

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How to Keep Your Dog from Drowning Unnecessarily

By Jake Friend

Estimates have the number of dogs and cats in North America at 58,000,000 and 62,000,000, respectively, and it's a painful truth that thousands of them are victims of accidental drownings annually. Due to the fact that many people do not report these drownings, there is no way to know exactly how many pets actually die this way. Although, 99 % of dogs can swim, we have a false sense of security when we see our dogs running and jumping in and out of the water at the lake or our back yard pool. A significant percentage of dogs and even some cats are only able to swim a little while before they become fatigued. With this in mind, these animals go into a panic state when they are unable to quickly find a way to get their paws on solid ground. This panic is what causes them to drown. But it is more than just a problem for pets, for loving pet parents will selflessly and without hesitation dive into a frozen lake or rapidly flowing river in an attempt to rescue their animal.

What ways can we prevent our pets from drowning? Here are a few valuable tips:

1. Do not make the assumption that your dog is able to swim.

2. Keep a closer eye on a pet that is getting older. As they age, they are unable to swim as when they were younger.

3. Do not throw your dog or cat in any type of water. They will panic from the initial shock.

4. Obtain a canine flotation device (CFD) or a pet life jacket for your pet. Ensure that they are wearing the device whenever they are close to the water. There are many times that a pet has fallen of a dock or moving boat without anyone knowing.

5. Things like solar blankets and pool covers appear to be a solid surface for your pet. Remove them whenever possible when your pets are around the pool.

6. Install a pet safety gate near the pool area.

7. Check to ensure that your pet does not have an entry into your neighbor's pool area.

8. Get a pool alarm for your pool or pond.

9. Don't let your pet play around fast flowing water.

10. Do not allow your pet to go near frozen lakes & rivers.

Seeing your pet drown and the awful guilt that is associated with it can be overwhelming and very difficult or impossible to recover from. I strongly encourage you to have a look around your property for obvious water hazards. Whether it is summer or winter, you need to drown proof your home as well as your vacation property NOW. If your pet is going to be anywhere near water, make sure they are wearing a canine floatation device or pet life jacket. - 31866

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Dog Puppy Training the Right Way

By Amy Williams

If you decided to have a pet dog at home, you should know that there are certain responsibilities that a pet owner is required to do. It is not enough that you give your pet food, home, and other necessities. It is equally important for your pet to undergo dog puppy training. You do not need to hire a professional to do this because you can do this by yourself at home with a few simple tips. Read on to learn more.

* Keep in mind that physically hitting a puppy will not get you anywhere. It is important that you get respect from your dog but it is just as important that you earn it by respecting your pet as well. Doing this is very critical in the relationship building process. Hitting a dog will only cause fear, and a scared dog is not a good thing. You should have strict and consistent rules.

* Another dog puppy training tip is to give your dog a reward if he did something right. You can give dog treats or biscuits as rewards for a job well done, or a praise said in a kind tone of voice. By doing so, the dog will continue doing the right thing because he is getting something good from doing it.

* Do not treat your dogs like toys. Some people subconsciously treat their dogs like cute stuffed animals because they are cuddly and cute. Your pets are not there to be hugged and displayed. Like humans, dogs need attention and they also have needs that you as a pet owner, should fulfill. They also have moods and unique personalities.

The right dog puppy training is key to having a perfect and happy relationship amongst man and dog working together under the same roof. - 31866

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Dog Training Courses - Why Take Them

By Isabelle Falk

Most dog owners want the very best for your pets, and to have the very best relationship. You spend hours training your dogs: teaching them tricks and manners and ways to communicate.

This is why training is so important, it allows you to understand your dog's behavior so that you can react accordingly, and maybe you've already approached a professional dog trainer only to be deterred by the high cost. Sooner or later, though, it dawns on you that no one else could possibly be a better person to train your dog, than you.

The pleasing news for 'do-it-yourself' and up coming dog trainers, like yourself is, that many easily accessible and user friendly programs are available on internet. These are in descriptive form for dog trainers who are actually owners at first place, for example; you. Majority of these documents are description of the writer's experiences while training dog and smaller points which the trainer feels can be useful to you. Apart from this, these programs can be downloaded comfortably and are also totally free of cost.

There are also many dog training courses which can be downloaded, and will guide you through training step by step. The best part is that these courses are free!

So, you love your dog and thinking of some training course to get the best productivity from him but do not want to spend too much on it. Do not worry, here comes the less expensive online dog training courses from pets focused web sites.

Please not take away good training from your dog and give him full scope to be useful to its owner. Spending more money is not pre-requisite for good training but you can simple take help of online dog training programs. - 31866

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How To Clip your Dog Safely And Easily!

By Cliff Stone

Very few people see clipping their dogs as an art. Instead, they tackle areas like scraggly hair on the feet to keep their pets from tracking in mud. They mostly ignore other areas. However, in an effort to get rid of undesirable hair growth, many dog owners forget that they can hurt their dogs.

When you decide to clip your dog's fur, keep his breed in mind. If you clip a longer haired breed incorrectly, dust accumulates in the coat, causing skin problems. In addition, parasites like ticks and fleas can move and breed more freely if your dog's coat isn't card for or clipped correctly.

You need to trim your dog's nails to avoid breaking, splitting, and pain while walking. That's because overlong toenails cause the nail to turn sideways, or even to dig into the foot. When a dog has claws that are too long, it becomes easy to catch them on hard surfaces or to break or split them.

It's easy to accidentally hurt your dog while clipping his or her nails, since the quick in the nail's center bleeds when cut. This is where the nerves and the blood vessels are located, and it keeps the nail alive and growing. However, if you cut the nail too short or accidentally splinter it, the exposed quick will be painful.

You must always use the right clippers for your dog's nails and hair - make sure they're sharp and meant for animals. Human tools won't work here. You can find quality tools at your local pet supply store.

If you live in an area that's cold in winter, don't clip your dog during the cold months unless you have to. The winter can be very stressful for your dog if his coat isn't long enough to protect him. Remember that dogs can get frostbite the same way we can.

Overclipping in summer can be bad as well. It might not seem like it, but your dog's coat protects him or her and keeps the harmful rays of the sun from causing damage. It's okay to thin or shorten the coat slightly, but make sure you leave enough fur to protect your pet.

If your dog is sick or otherwise unhealthy, avoid clipping him. That's because it can cause more stress. Only clip a sick dog to remove broken nails or dirty fur that can't be cleaned.

Walking your dog on concrete daily can help keep him or her healthy. This will help you wear down the nail on a gradual basis and will keep them even. That way, you and your dog don't have to go through the clipping process.

To get the best results, you'll want to talk to a professional groomer who knows how to correctly clip your dog. - 31866

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Why Proper Dog Potty Training Is Importance to Your Dog Development

By Oke Manueli

As you think as regards to dog training, there is a controversial area to it in the shape of debarking surgery, which is a practice that will result in low level to the dog's barking, and such a method is typically used on those dogs that not only have an particularly noisy barking, but who also bark constantly. Leading examples of this process comprise debarking done on Shetlands and also collies.

Debarking Is A Controversial Issue

In spite of this, debarking does not cause the dog stoping to bark and it is only the degree that is lessened and hence this is a topic of dog training that has been talked about a lot by animal lovers as well as by experts with several considering debarking to be useful on dogs that howl too forceful; as those who believe it to be a process that is equally unwarranted as well as cruel.

Debarking apart, there are another areas to dog training that dog owners need to observe at if they desire their dogs to behave properly and as well as stay content. Obviously, there are several those who don't even think that dog training is at all compulsory whereas those who think that dog training must entail fear and punishment. Accordingly, you would not be amazed to find a whole set of uncommon dog training methods doing the rounds which can often cause much mix-up in the minds of dog owners.

Before jumping into a dog training training, you need to understand that your animal is not a hairy version of a human since they are in truth pack animals and their world is a lot more structured when they are following a group rather than the dog owner. Next, you should bear in mind that dog training need not imply having to scream and hit the dog every time he do something since such behavior simply puts apprehension as well as anxiety in the dog's psyche. Instead of react well to the instruction, the dog will actually come up to to hate it and thus his concentration will be poor and he will also not be relaxed. Nonetheless, negative support is recommended which is separate to punishment and the best form of it is to take away his treats and also not show him any warmth.

Another common mistake that dog owners do in dog training is to try and train their dog in a busy place in the wrongly think that the dog will be able to focus better in an environment that is filled with disruptions. Moreover, you must as well make sure that you don't attempt and teach your dog too many instructions since he could easily loose focus and also become fed up with the training. - 31866

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All about Dog Potty Training

By Paul J James

Regardless of how cute your puppy is when you bring him home, resist the temptation to delay dog potty training until later. Even very young puppies can be potty trained successfully.

A Crate

A puppy crate is a very helpful tool for dog potty training. A crate gives your dog his own "space" that he won't want to soil particularly at night. Be sure he given plenty of opportunity and encouragement to go potty before he's crated.

Choose The Right Food

You may be tempted to buy cheap dog food, but you will most likely regret it in the end. Cheap dog foods are full of fillers. Since the fillers can't be digested and processed into fuel, they pass through your dog's digestive system causing gas and creating large amounts of stool. Higher quality dog foods do not have as much filler so your dog passes much smaller stools

A Regular Schedule

Establishing a schedule for your puppy from the beginning will go a long way toward potty training him. Feeding should be done at the same times every day followed by taking him outside to relieve himself about 15-20 minutes after he eats. He should also be given the opportunity to go outside after naps and immediately upon being removed from his crate in the morning.

The Communication

Establish words that your dog can learn to associate with relieving himself. Use that word consistently to avoid confusing him. It's also important to learn your dog's signals that he needs to go outside; restlessness, sniffing around (especially in places he may have had an accident at some point) or going to the door can all be signals that your dog needs to go.


When your puppy does well, praise him. Using the word he's come to associate with elimination, "good boy to go potty outside" will help him strengthen the connection between going potty and being praised.

Successful dog potty training requires patience and persistence but the pay off is well worth the effort. Well mannered dogs are a joy both to their owners and those around them. - 31866

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The Importance of Dog Training Aids In Training Your Dog

By Oke Manueli

Dogs are human's best companions. They are loyal and are warm animals who would like to satisfy their wieners majority of the time. However, dogs could be pretty challenging to educate moreover. Coaching a dog to develop into a decent citizen needs loads of tolerance, inspiration and affection on the side of the owner. If you are a first time pet owner and you want to have some exceedingly remarkable times with your dog, you have to get the correct dog training aids to assist you teach your dog. With the right dog training aids, you and your dog will be functioning as a team in no time.

Getting Started

There are so abundant dog training aids being advertised and sold in the market today. These dog training aids are developed for several reasons so you should be careful when buying training aids. If you are not entirely familiar with the assorted dog training aids, it would be a excellent idea for you to purchase a dog training book or CD to start with and learn how things are done when teaching your dog.

Aside from buying books and CDs on dog training, it would be best for you to find someone who knows about dogs and request for some suggestion. The breeder of your dog will be able to help you a lot on this matter hence give that breeder a call and seek for some advice. You may as well call the breeder and take a look at the dog training aids that he use. In most cases, breeders also sell dog training aids so you might as well procure some of your dog training aids from the breeder to save time and effort hunting for training aids.

Preparing For Training

You will need to coach your dog to comply with to your commands. Depending on the category of dog that you have, this mission may prove to be quite a test. For instance, Labrador retrievers are very sharp, even tempered and easy to train. In majority cases, this kind of dog follows directives.

while on the other hand, bulldogs can be quite mulish and intractable. Sure, bulldogs are extremely sharp and cute however a lot of of the time, they would like to do things their way therefore you should be prepared. Acquire sufficient of toys and treats before you commence training your dog. Dogs love treats and they will be more keen to respect your commands if they know that they will be compensated for their good deeds. - 31866

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Training Aggressive Dogs

By Carl Covason

One of the hardest problems some dog owners face is when they have an aggressive dog. Not only is it hard to be around an aggressive dog but it can be dangerous as well.

Before you do anything else you should find out what exactly pushes your dogs buttons that makes him act aggressive.

Is he showing dog on dog aggression?

If so, one way to tame an aggressive dog that seems to be out to get other dogs is when you are taking your dog for a walk and you see another dog, get your dogs attention.

If you know anything about dog training and dog training commands then you might be familiar with the command "Watch Me". This is a great command to use when your dog is getting near another dog because what the command means is for your dog to look you in the eye and give you his full attention.

If you can get your dogs attention on you then you have a good chance that they will not get aggressive towards the other dog.

You also want to make sure your dog cannot make direct eye contact with the other dog. When dogs make eye contact with each other they are challenging each other to prove who the leader is. This can be a major cause of aggression if both dogs think they are king of the hill.

Another way your dog might be aggressive is with his food. Some dogs will get aggressive when they are eating and get very territorial. If you dog is aggressive when he is eating then you need to make sure children are not around him anytime he has food or a bone.

One thing you can do is make sure your dog does not get to eat his meal until everyone else in the family has eaten and finished their meal. This will let the dog know that he is the low man on the totem pole which is very important when trying to curb dog aggression. - 31866

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Best Puppy Training Secrets

By Miyagii Moto

Ever since the beginning of time, dogs have been the most preferred choice as pets by most households. Many have proven that they are proficient, steadfast, smart and trainable in diverse farm duties and simple household tasks. They can be charming and submissive to their owners but vicious to total strangers. These qualities make them an ideal escort for those who are single in life as well as to couples who are just planning to start their own brood. Babies to older adults will not have a hard time adjusting to their presence.

It has been said that a dog's behavior only reflect his breeding and training. Obviously, there is nothing that you can do anymore to change his breeding. However, there is still a lot you can do with his training. You can still teach new tricks. Now, if you are thinking of getting another puppy as a pet, here are some of the best-kept secrets of puppy training that you should bear in mind.

The first thing that you have to do is to make your pet feel secure in your company. Spend some quality time by playing with him after you have gotten home from your office. This process will ensure that you have established a good rapport. It's a no-no to start implementing difficult tricks that would boggle his mind because it will not lead to any learning. After making your pet comfortable, slowly impose discipline by taking away his comfortable lifestyle.

There are a lot of ways to do this but the most common includes putting a leash around his neck, placing him inside a kennel or positioning him in a crate. It is expected that your dog would howl in protest. At times, it may be too annoying that you would want to stuff his mouth with a ball of socks. However, remember that all this seemingly vicious acts will gain benefits. Try to be immune to this kind of suffering. Remember, you only want what's best for your dog. The end justifies the means, as they often say.

Second, teach him a simple trick followed by a nice reward. The treat could come in the form of a chicken or pork meat. As exemplified by Ivan Pavlov, the famous Russian psychologist, this method will make the dog associate good behavior with food. This will be stored in their memory for a long time if done repetitively.

Third, you can go the opposite way of the second step and let your dog learn through the negative conditioning process. Instead of giving a nice reward, teach him the power of the words no, stop and don't in a strong and authoritative tone. They will distinguish that it is something significant in relation to your voice.

Fourth, you have to be consistent. When you give a reward or punishment, make sure that it is commensurate to the good task or the bad behavior. Variety is something that needs to be avoided like the plague in this situation because your dog will get confused if you can't follow through with the initial rules you have set. The same rule applies to all the people in your household including your wife and kids.

Lastly, give alternatives. If there are tricks or chores that he can't easily obey like not digging the flower patch or the plant box, then provide another option like another digging space within your yard. Don't be such a strict disciplinarian all the time. - 31866

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Does Your Dog Need Dog Training?

By Carl Covason

Your life is going exactly as planned. You have a great family, nice house, a carrier you love, and you have even gotten a dog.

You wake up bright and early but you have a big smile on your face. You have an entire hour of peace and quite all to yourself to wake up and get ready for work before you have to get the kids up. You start a fresh pot of coffee quietly singing towards yourself. The wonderful smell of coffee is starting to waft around the house and you can not help but to think to yourself how incredibly lucky you are.

Out of the corner of your eye you spot your neighbor taking their little dog out for a morning stroll. You get to thinking that maybe you should take your dog out also to get some fresh air and a bit of exercise. Just then, as if on Que, your dog springs into action and flies over to the window. The hair on his back looks like a porcupines and he lets out a low warning growl. You only have a second to respond before he really lets loose with the barking and you know he is going to wake up the whole house.

As you are making every effort to quite him the baby starts screaming like a banshee and your older children slowly emerge from their rooms. All you can do is stare at your beautiful children because you know that within minutes the house will be in chaos and you didn't even get to drink your first cup of coffee, let alone get ready for work. Any thoughts on relaxing before the day really began have been dashed.

That's it you think. That dog needs dog training, barking at all hours of the day has got to go.

The desire to get your dog trained has stayed with you throughout work. You are a bit on the frazzled side all through work. As soon as you pick up your children after work you realize that they are on the verge of becoming very overtired. Well, how can you blame them, they are not used to getting up that early. You make it home with as little fuss as possible and file them all through the door.

As you walk through the door your dog comes flying at you to show you just how much you were missed today. You barely manage to stay upright as he jumps on you. You have a new demand to add to your dog training, jumping has to go as well. You manage to calm your dog down long enough for him to stop jumping and then you see it... right in the middle of your living room carpet your dog has dug a big hole.

You look at your dog with daggers in your eyes and notice your kids are forming a circle around your dog. They are all giving you that pleading look because they don't want you angry at their dog. After all, the dog did not mean to do it and he is really very sorry.

All you know is that the dog is a nuisance but there is really not much you can do. The children adore their dog and in truth so do you. Regardless, you have to stop your dog digging holes especially in the middle the living room floor. That is when dog obedience training comes into play. The best way to get your dog to behave is to train him to do so. - 31866

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Why Dog Training Aids Is Importance to Your Development

By Oke Manueli

Dogs are human's greatest buddys. They are dedicated and are caring animals who would like to please their wieners majority of the time. Nevertheless, dogs can be rather demanding to train as well. Teaching a dog to turn into a decent citizen involves a lot of endurance, inspiration and love on the side of the owner. If you are a first time dog owner and you wish to have some sincerely remarkable times with your dog, you have to get the right dog training aids to help you train your dog. With the right dog training aids, you and your dog will be working as a team in no time.

Getting Started

There are so loads of dog training aids being advertised and sold in the market nowadays. These dog training aids are developed for several reasons so you must be cautious when buying training aids. If you are not very familiar with the assorted dog training aids, it might be a fine idea for you to purchase a dog training book or CD first and study how things are done when training your dog.

Apart from purchasing books and CDs on dog training, it might be best for you to find somebody who knows about dogs and request for some suggestion. The breeder of your dog will be able to help you a lot on this matter as a result give that breeder a call and seek for some assistance. You might as well call the breeder and take a look at the dog training aids that he have. In a lot of cases, breeders in addition sell dog training aids so you may as well buy some of your dog training aids from the breeder to save time and effort hunting for training aids.

Preparing For Training

You will have to train your dog to obey to your orders. Depending on the kind of dog that you have, this mission may prove to be quite a challenge. For instance, Labrador retrievers are extremely smart, as well tempered and easy to coach. In most cases, this kind of dog obeys orders.

while on the other hand, bulldogs could be very mulish and wayward. Yes, bulldogs are incredibly smart and endearing but most of the time, they would like to do things their way therefore you should be prepared. Acquire a lot of toys and treats prior to you commence training your dog. Dogs adore treats and they will be more enthusiastic to follow your commands if they discern that they will be rewarded for their good actions. - 31866

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Easy Tips To Make Bathing A Dog Easy!

By Cliff Stone

Most of us think about bathing dogs in one of two ways. Either we believe that dogs nearly never need bathing, or we fall in with the people who feel a dog should be bathed once a month or even more often. The truth is somewhere between the two.

Bathing is very good for dogs, but it shouldn't be done too often or it could cause some real health problems.

This is because dogs have natural skin and fur oils, the same way that people do. If you bathe your dogs too frequently, their skin will become dry and itchy. This creates a risk of scratching and breaking skin. Remember that the natural oils really are beneficial, and that they protect your dog from many things.

You can make bathtime fun for both you and your dog. Just be sure to take care about a few things and your chances of success go way up.

1. Ear protection is important for your dog in the bath. If the ear canal gets soap and water in it, an infection could occur. This could be temporary, but serious damage could also occur. Infections can cause harm to the ear drum, leading to possible deafness. Some signs that your dog could be suffering from an ear infection, he may shake his head often or develop a discharge from his ears.

If you want to make sure this doesn't happen, plug your dog's ears with cotton. Do this gently - never force the cotton into the ear. Just place it securely at the entrance of the ear to keep water out. Dry the ears gently when the bath is over, too. This can be done using a cloth on your finger. You can also use a cotton swab, but don't do this too deeply. You could cause damage to the ear drum.

2. Make sure you use the right shampoo. Products made for people are irritating, harsh, and full of scents your dog may be allergic to. Dog shampoo protects your pet's skin and fur.

3. How frequently you'll need to bathe your dog will depend on breed. Dogs that have longer hair need to be washed more often than dogs with short hair. Spaniels and other hairy dogs may need to be washed as often as every two months. Some other breeds can go as long as eight months. Outdoor dogs get dirty more quickly and will need more frequent bathing.

Start your dog off correctly when it comes to bathing and bathtime. Patience and compassion can be very important since a dog that's frightened will be harder to bathe. Make the process fun - the majority of dogs enjoy getting wet, after all.

If you can, set the bath up outside and encourage your dog to play in it. Distract your dog from water with toys. When the dog calms down, you can start the bath. A leash may help with this process.

When you bathe your pet, get the shampoo, towel, soap and other tools together early, and avoid using the hose. Water from the garden hose is usually too cold. Use a bowl with water from the bath instead - it'll be warmer.

If you show your dog that the bath is fun, you and your pet will both enjoy it and look forward to it. - 31866

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The Secrets of Dog Training You Should Know

By Oke Manueli

While you consider as regards to dog training, there is a controversial area to it in the shape of debarking surgery, which is a method that will effect in low volume to the dog's barking, and such a procedure is usually used on those puppy that not only have an exceptionally loud barking, although who also howl continually. Prime examples of this method include debarking done on Shetlands and also collies.

Debarking Is A Controversial Issue

In spite of this, debarking does not bring about the dog stoping to bark and it is only the volume that is lessened and thus this is an issue of dog training that has been debated a great deal by pet lovers also by experts with several thinking of debarking to be helpful on dogs that howl too loud; as others consider it to be a procedure that is both needless as well as cruel.

Debarking apart, there are other areas to dog training that pet owners ought to look at if they want their puppy to behave in the right manner and as well as remain content. Certainly, there are many folks who don't even reason that dog training is at all necessary while those who think that dog training must involve fear and chastisement. Thus, you should not be surprised to find a whole set of unusual dog training techniques doing the rounds which could often cause much chaos in the minds of pet owners.

Prior to jumping into a dog training training, you need to recognize that your dog is not a hairy version of a human since they are in truth horde creatures and their world is a great deal more structured once they are following a pack instead of the dog owner. Subsequently, you should remember that dog training need not mean having to yell and hit the dog every time he misbehaves because such behavior only instill apprehension as well as unease in the dog's mind. Rather than react well to the instruction, the dog will truly come up to to hate it and thus his concentration will be poor and he will as well not be comfortable. However, negative reinforcement is recommended which is different to punishment and the best form of it is to withdraw his treats and also not show him any affection.

Another several mistake that dog owners commit in dog training is to try and educate their dog in a busy place in the mistaken belief that the dog will be able to focus better in an setting that is full with distractions. And, you must also guarantee that you don't attempt and teach your dog too many instructions because he could easily loose focus and as well become fed up with the training. - 31866

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Effectively Socializing Your Dog

By Cecil Taylor

Dogs are much like humans since they do enjoy interaction with nearly everyone. They are generally friendly and enjoy interaction with other animals, such as dogs and even reptiles. However, dogs are different as well. Some dogs are hostile even to other dogs. All dogs are different, just as all people are different.

Regardless of their species, when you are a pet lover you may understand the value of having more than one dog. It can be challenging to keep a clean house, while dogs are defending their territory. Canine territorial conflict is not a pretty thing. For instance, while walking the dog after dark and a rival dog wanders by, are you able to make it back into the house without being covered in wet grass?

There are ways to remedy this. Your dog needs to be taught social behavior as soon as humanly possible. They're like children, and as children, their minds are more susceptible to learning. You remember how easily you accepted things when you were a child, right? They have not established the line between a friend and an enemy; they're just trying to learn, and you need to take advantage of that.

If you have decided to have just one dog, then in it's young years you need to introduce it to other dogs. This way it will understand that not all dogs are enemies. It also needs to become used to being touched. This will make it friendlier around other people, and of course will keep it from biting every hand it happens to see.

Now when you have decided to introduce your puppy to other dogs, you need to make sure you keep a tight grip on their leash. Do this until you're absolutely certain they aren't going to kill each other. It sounds a little controlling, but just like children, they need to be taught the difference between right and wrong.

Puppies enjoy jumping, shoving and biting, it is part of their play; however, you can teach them not to do so. They will do this while playing with one another, just ensure they are not really hurting one another. It can be terribly annoying to try to watch television, while your puppy or dog is jumping on you continually, whether it is a lap dog or not.

Barking is a part of the nature of a dog or puppy. However, it can be nerve racking when a dog continually barks. Teach the dog not to bark continually by distracting it with a doggie treat. Keep trying even if it does not work the first few times, the dog will learn to stop barking, if you only give it a treat while it is being quiet. Using this method repeatedly will help you teach your dog to bark only when necessary.

You can train a puppy to be quiet by placing them on their back and then yelling in their face. It may not look so nice to others; however, it is a working method of many professional dog trainers. You can use this method with rescue animals as well to teach them to be quiet.

Just remember to train your dog as early as possible. Trained properly he or she can be a worthy companion and friend for years to come. Keep this in mind next time you decide to raise a four legged companion. - 31866

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Tactics To House Training Puppies

By Derrick Sandkel

Consistency, commitment, patience and paying close attention are needed for house training your dog as well as newspaper.

To help you train your puppy or dog, use the guide listed below. Keep in mind that regardless of whether you have a puppy or a full grown dog, they are going to have accidents sometimes.

Being consistent in the training will teach your puppy the behavior faster. Training can take several weeks or longer so be patient.

Set up a routine.

Puppies do better with regular schedules just like babies do. Setting up a schedule teaches him that there are certain times for eating, playing and going potty.

Normally, a puppy is able to control their bladder one hour for every month of age. If your puppy is three months old, he can hold it for about three hours. Make sure to schedule the bathroom breaks accordingly or an accident will probably happen. A dog walker may need to be hired if you work outside of the home so your puppy will have his bathroom breaks.

Take your puppy outside as soon as he wakes up, after drinking or eating, and during or after playing. Also, choose a spot outside for the bathroom. Always take him to that spot while he is on a leash. Use words or phrases such as "get busy" while he is going to the bathroom. He will learn to associate these words with relieving himself.

Rewards are an excellent method for teaching your puppy. Give him praise or a treat immediately after he has used the bathroom. Do this while you both are still outside.

Using a regular feeding schedule will help with the bathroom schedule. Normally, puppies will eat three or four times a day. Feeding him at the same time every day will make him more consistent when potty training.

To keep your puppy from needing to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, put his dishes up about two hours before bedtime. If he does wake up in the middle of the night, stay calm, so he won't think it is time to play. Don't turn on a lot of lights or play with him. Take him outside and then go back to bed.


While your puppy is in the house, watch him so he will not have an accident.

When the puppy is not being trained or played with, have him on a six foot leash beside you. If he begins sniffing, barking, circling, scratching at the door or becomes restless, he may need to use the bathroom. Take him outside immediately if you notice this behavior. Use praise or treats to reward him when he is done using the bathroom. - 31866

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5 Reasons Why You Should Try The Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online

By Carolin Shadler

Does your dog need training? If so, you probably are looking for some dog training guides and systems right now. And because there are tons of guides that actually available over the Internet, deciding which one to try can be really difficult. Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online is just one of the dog training guides that can actually deliver what it claims - to get your dog back on the right track. Here's why you should take a stab on this guide.

Dove Cresswell, a professional Hollywood North dog trainer, has trained so many dogs that often show up on film and commercials. Saved! and Charlie's Angels are just some of the movies that she has worked on. Being able to work with dogs effortlessly is the great advantage of Dove Cresswell for delivering good and fast results.

Second reason is reliability and effective training. Dove Creswell's method is way better that any other dog training guides out there. The method is giving emphasis on the correct training postures and voice commands, which you need learn to be a professional trainer yourself.

Another reason why you should the Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online is the lessons. It has 7 easy and complete lessons. It's easy and fast to learn because there are no unnecessary e-Book pages. All pages will discuss about dog obedience training, potty training, crate training and a lot of lessons on how to teach your puppy and dog good manners.

Dove Cresswell's method is a step-by-step training that will walk you through each and every step of the process. The fourth reason why you should try this guide. You don't have to read a number of pages of an e-Book. You can actually watch all the lessons on your computer as often as you need to learn all the techniques, gestures and voice callings to train your dog.

Lastly, Dove Cresswell has made each lesson for all. You need not to worry if you do not actually have a dog training experience. With Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online, you'll learn how to treat and train your dog or puppy. This actually saves you hours of time and money taking your dog to obedience class, which are often really expensive. Start seeing results within 15 to 25 minutes, that's the promise of Dove Cresswell's method.

While there are a plethora of dog training guides and programs to look into, Dove Cresswell claims to have the top training guide on the market. She has professional experience, she provides you with seven complete lessons, and you can follow each lesson with step-by-step training. What more can you ask from a training guide? - 31866

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The Importance of Using The Right Agility Potty Training to Train Your Dog

By Oke Manueli

There is more to training your dog than teaching it to obey your instructions, because there is as well dog agility training in which you could instruct your dog to do perform different kinds of sport as well as jumping, climbing obstacles and even dodging in between poles. Dog agility training is an offshoot of horse show jumping and it was initially showcased in the UK in 1979 at the Crufts Dog Show, and starting from then on, it has fastly grown in popularity for the entertainment value also sports value of it.

Should Be Able To Follow Simple Instructions

Dogs by and large are incredibly responsive creatures nevertheless the dogs that are largely right for sports competition are those that are intermediate size and as well the larger varieties. Any dog that is prepared to undergoing dog agility training should initially be checked by a veterinarian and he must as well be intelligent to obey simple commands for instance be seated and lie down as well as come, and it has been observed that dogs that are highly trained to follow will do well at dog agility training far better than others having difficulty with obeying simple commands.

Dog agility training could be carried out in several different ways however the instructor must make certain that the technique employed suits the dog the best, and the agility training must be enjoyable for the dog and it may be wise on the part of the teacher not to become very judgmental of the dog or try and make it ultra aggressive.

Really, dog agility training is a way at prompting the dog twist its way through an difficulty course under the supervision of a handler and there are various types of difficulty such as tunnels, poles jumps like also ramps for the dog to pass through. In the beginning, the dog begins with the simplest of obstacles and as its abilities develop, the level of training becomes very strenuous, and it is as well to be seen how active the dog is to start with, as that will help appraise the nature of agility training to impart to it.

After dogs have been taught in dog agility training, they will then enter into competitions in which the moderator selects the path of the hurdle the dog should follow which it does together with its trainer, and when the dog has effectively finished an obstacle course, he is qualified to get an agility award along with lots of commendation on top of goodies and of course, a lot of toys. - 31866

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Training A Puppy Can Be Fun For The Whole Family

By Greg Stannionis

What is it about puppies that makes them so irresistible? The first time you bring a puppy home, everyone rushes in excitement to greet their new family member. Then, when the new puppy has an "accident" on the rug, everybody seems to disappear. This is when you have to start training a puppy.

You can make training your new puppy a chore or you can make it an enjoyable experience for everyone, including your dog. All it takes is a little education about animal behavior to avoid toilet training the new member of your family the wrong way.

All animals are born with certain instincts. Other things they have to learn. Dogs have a natural instinct to relieve themselves out of doors, away from their den. This is why your puppy will show distress before it makes its little "mistake" on your carpet. It knows that something is wrong, but doesn't have a clear idea about where the right place is to go.

Your puppy will be instinctively hesitant to relieve itself inside the house, but will not be able to control itself. It will sniff around the house, trying to find the place where others relieve themselves before it finally gives up and does it on the floor. It is important not to punish it for this, because it hasn't done anything wrong. It is just as important to teach it that the place it chose is not the right place and to show it where the right place is.

Do not teach it by punishment. Rubbing its nose in the poo and yelling at the dog aren't going to do any good at all. Instead, remove the waste and take it outside, where it belongs. Leave it there so the puppy can sniff out its location the next time. Clean the area indoors where the puppy relieved itself and remove all traces of odor using an appropriate cleaning solution.

Constant vigilance may be required at first for quick success at toilet training. Look for the signs that the puppy needs to go and take it outside before it relieves itself. Then immediately offer it a reward. In this way, your puppy will learn two valuable lessons. It will learn positive reinforcement for good behavior and it will learn that you are the leader of the pack.

Teaching the puppy who is boss is as important as toilet training itself. Dogs are pack animals, which means that they either follow the pack or lead the pack. Your puppy must know from the beginning that it is living in your home and that you are the leader of the pack. You need not be a harsh leader. In fact, benevolent leadership is a far better way to lead.

If you start training a puppy right from the beginning, you will have a much easier time of it. You and you dog will be great companions for years to come. - 31866

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Puppy Training Your New Little Companion Can Be Fun For Both of You!

By Anita L. Platt

Puppy training should be started as soon as puppy comes home. Immediately showing your new puppy that his potty is outside is crucial in beginning the process of potty training. The process will not likely be fast, but the efforts and your patience will be well worth it.

An actual potty spot should be chosen to be puppy's potty. In order to make the potty area more attractive in your yard, you can place potted plants or flowers around where your puppy goes to poop and pee. This will also probably help the dog to remember and easily recognize the location of his potty.

First you will teach your puppy the word "outside". This is called a puppy training command or cue. "Outside" should immediately be said firmly if puppy has an accident inside. Then quickly take your puppy outside to his potty training area. Be sure to give him praise for using his potty.

Puppy training on command will eventually be the result of your time and effort. Your command word must be maintained at all times. Inform friends and other family members of this word too.

Praise should be given every time your puppy asks to go outside and actually uses his potty. Tell your friends and family to be sure to praise him in these cases as well.

Keeping a diary if when your puppy eats, sleeps and potties can help you decide when the most average times are that he will need to poop or pee.

Punishment is something that should never be done when puppy training. You will only hurt your puppy; he may even become scared to use his potty outside. Many puppies will begin to eliminate inside when they are punished when puppy training. They may even attempt to hide the evidence, yet they will still keep reacting in this way.

By maintaining consistency, tempered with equal parts firmness and love, you will have succeeded at potty and puppy training before you know it. Your puppy will respond well to your firmness and love. He will endeavor to please you by learning to potty sooner. Then you will have puppy training success. - 31866

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