Dog's are naturally curious animals. It can be difficult for them to have to walk at our pace, since they are used to walking at a much quicker speed on their own. It is up to you to help him learn to walk on a leash with out pulling you along where he chooses to go.
It is important to begin your training with authority. Never be cruel to your dog to establish your authority. By building a good relationship with your dog, you will be able to really help with the training process.
When teaching your dog to use a leash, there are different techniques you can use. The most popular technique is to give a fast snap on the leash whenever your dog decides to pull against the leash. Stop walking with the animal until he stops pulling, and then positively reinforce him every time he lets the leash have any slack.
It is important to get a good training collar. Be careful when you use a choke collar, as this can cause damage to the vocal chords of your dog if used improperly. The best type of collar is one that won't slip off, such as a nylon dog collar.
Find a quality dog leash. Find a dog leash that is comfortable, especially for your grip. The best-sized leashes are usually 4 to 6 feet long.
Start by training your dog by having him sit on your left side, both of you facing the same direction. Start your walk with your left foot. By using your left foot every time you start your walk, it will signal to your dog that you are about to take your walk and they need to behave themselves.
It is important to walk at your normal pace. Your dog needs to get use to the speed you walk. Make the walk fun by talking to them so their desire to explore on their own isn't as strong.
Walk a short distance and then stop walking. Praise your dog and tell him what a wonderful job he has done with walking with the leash. Practice this a few times a day. Keep it fun and your dog will be trained in no time. - 31866
It is important to begin your training with authority. Never be cruel to your dog to establish your authority. By building a good relationship with your dog, you will be able to really help with the training process.
When teaching your dog to use a leash, there are different techniques you can use. The most popular technique is to give a fast snap on the leash whenever your dog decides to pull against the leash. Stop walking with the animal until he stops pulling, and then positively reinforce him every time he lets the leash have any slack.
It is important to get a good training collar. Be careful when you use a choke collar, as this can cause damage to the vocal chords of your dog if used improperly. The best type of collar is one that won't slip off, such as a nylon dog collar.
Find a quality dog leash. Find a dog leash that is comfortable, especially for your grip. The best-sized leashes are usually 4 to 6 feet long.
Start by training your dog by having him sit on your left side, both of you facing the same direction. Start your walk with your left foot. By using your left foot every time you start your walk, it will signal to your dog that you are about to take your walk and they need to behave themselves.
It is important to walk at your normal pace. Your dog needs to get use to the speed you walk. Make the walk fun by talking to them so their desire to explore on their own isn't as strong.
Walk a short distance and then stop walking. Praise your dog and tell him what a wonderful job he has done with walking with the leash. Practice this a few times a day. Keep it fun and your dog will be trained in no time. - 31866
About the Author:
Dog's are naturally inquisitive animals. It can be hard for them to match their owners pace. It is up to you to help your dog learn to walk on a leash without pulling you along where he pleases. Jim Witt is an authority on Dog Training Collars and suggests browsing to Country Brook Design for your dog training needs.