If you have ever owned a dog, one time or another you have probably dealt with this problem. Your dog is so happy to see you that he jumps up on you getting his muddy paws all over your new suit or dress. Or even worse, during his excitement he jumps on a smaller child and knocks them down or scratches the child's face, arms or legs. Well, guess what, you probably taught your puppy this bad habit. Let me explain:
Unintentionally you may have encourage this behavior for the start. You see when a new puppy comes into our lives they are cute and cuddly, they meet us with excitement and come running. And what is our natural reaction to this? Well, we bend down and pet them or pick them up.
You have just taught your puppy a very important lesson, "when I jump up on my owners leg he/she gives me love!" Fast foreword a few months and now that once small little puppy is 3, 4, maybe 5 times the size he once was. He doesn't understand the difference, he just wants the love that he knows how to get by jumping on you.
Before we move on to how to stop dogs jumping on you, let me make it clear that there are two main reasons why a dog may jump on you.
Most often dogs jump out of extreme excitement. Such as, seeing you after a long absents (coming home from work) or during high energy playtime.
The second and much more serious reason why some dogs jump on people is to show dominance. Dominance issues are a more complicated problem of communication and attitude. Dominance, If let unchecked for too long could really be difficult to over come. If you feel that you may be dealing with a dog that is jumping on people to display dominance, I suggest that you brush up on your alpha dog skills.
Your success in stop dog jumping will depend greatly on how you react to this problem. You must make a committed effort as with any dog training to be consistent. You have to make it clear to your dog that jumping on people is no longer allowed what so ever.
This means that you must fallow your stop jumping techniques always. You can't expect your dog to understand the difference between playtime and greetings, nice cloths and play cloths, rainy days or sunny days. If you let your dog jump at anytime, he will feel free to jump whenever he feels like it.
The most effective way to change any dog behavior happens to also be the easiest way to change unwanted dog behavior, and that is to "ignore the bad and reward the good". Or what is also know as positive reinforcement training. I know that is the last thing you are thinking of when your dog just put a new run in your patty hose or knocked a small child down but with a little pre-planning positive reinforcement works really well.
When your dog goes to jump on you, turn your back on him right away. Dogs understand body language much more than the spoken word. So, what you need to do here is use your posture to get your message though loud and clear. As soon as he gets his paws are back on the ground, reward him with praise. If he gets excited again and goes to jump, turn your back, head and eyes away from him (the cold shoulder). You can repeat this cycle several times in a matter of seconds. Don't concern yourself with confusing your dog because they can only comprehend your reaction to their - 31866
Unintentionally you may have encourage this behavior for the start. You see when a new puppy comes into our lives they are cute and cuddly, they meet us with excitement and come running. And what is our natural reaction to this? Well, we bend down and pet them or pick them up.
You have just taught your puppy a very important lesson, "when I jump up on my owners leg he/she gives me love!" Fast foreword a few months and now that once small little puppy is 3, 4, maybe 5 times the size he once was. He doesn't understand the difference, he just wants the love that he knows how to get by jumping on you.
Before we move on to how to stop dogs jumping on you, let me make it clear that there are two main reasons why a dog may jump on you.
Most often dogs jump out of extreme excitement. Such as, seeing you after a long absents (coming home from work) or during high energy playtime.
The second and much more serious reason why some dogs jump on people is to show dominance. Dominance issues are a more complicated problem of communication and attitude. Dominance, If let unchecked for too long could really be difficult to over come. If you feel that you may be dealing with a dog that is jumping on people to display dominance, I suggest that you brush up on your alpha dog skills.
Your success in stop dog jumping will depend greatly on how you react to this problem. You must make a committed effort as with any dog training to be consistent. You have to make it clear to your dog that jumping on people is no longer allowed what so ever.
This means that you must fallow your stop jumping techniques always. You can't expect your dog to understand the difference between playtime and greetings, nice cloths and play cloths, rainy days or sunny days. If you let your dog jump at anytime, he will feel free to jump whenever he feels like it.
The most effective way to change any dog behavior happens to also be the easiest way to change unwanted dog behavior, and that is to "ignore the bad and reward the good". Or what is also know as positive reinforcement training. I know that is the last thing you are thinking of when your dog just put a new run in your patty hose or knocked a small child down but with a little pre-planning positive reinforcement works really well.
When your dog goes to jump on you, turn your back on him right away. Dogs understand body language much more than the spoken word. So, what you need to do here is use your posture to get your message though loud and clear. As soon as he gets his paws are back on the ground, reward him with praise. If he gets excited again and goes to jump, turn your back, head and eyes away from him (the cold shoulder). You can repeat this cycle several times in a matter of seconds. Don't concern yourself with confusing your dog because they can only comprehend your reaction to their - 31866
About the Author:
Like people, dogs have personalities and every dog has a different personality. Training a dog can be a challenging and frustrating experience. It doesn't have to be. If your having trouble with potty training, chewing, digging, leash training or any number of problems. I can help! The animal control facilities are full of misunderstood pets. Before you give up please use every resource possible. Most likely I have a tip or method to help you. If I haven't covered your problem in one of my articles than I know some how has. Take a look at correcting dog behavior problems over at Ez Dog Training At Home to get started.